Functional Lab Testing – Is it Worth the Money?



It depends on each person and where they are in their health journey and their personal interest in understanding how everything is ticking inside and interest in finding root causes and making those connections. 

For me, I love it all. Here’s why:

  • I want to know my gene weaknesses, so I can turn off the expression of weak genes.
  • I want to know what ‘s going on with my estrogen metabolism and efficiency of my detox pathways to reduce risk of reproductive disease.
  • I want to know if my rainbow eating is building a healthier microbiome so I can increase my “mighty” condria ( mitochondria is the ‘powerhouse’ of our cells). 

I want to have these measurements because I love matching my intuition with science that is now available to us. I am determined to live my life as a consciously healthy person, mind, body and spirit-  because this is the kindest thing I can do for myself. And well because I think it’s so fascinating and empowering, and I get to share this with others!

More facts:

Standard lab ranges used by conventional MD’s can ignore conditions that may need addressing and preventing. How many times have you been told your labs are “within normal range,” yet you still experience symptoms.

Functional medicine practitioners evaluate results in a narrower range called the OPTIMAL RANGE which illuminates those lab markers that need attention and proactive management early on. This allows an incredible opportunity to reverse or stop disease progression altogether.

Functional labs are fantastic for identifying specific areas that may be a problem. Every patient has their own unique biochemistry, genetics, and health condition, so the practitioner can suggest specific tests that might be very helpful.

Top 5 Tests I use often in my practice:

  1. GUT TESTS: These tests are popular and significant because everything is connected to gut health. 

Comprehensive stool tests look at many biomarkers, including:

  • Digestion and absorption levels
  • Inflammation levels
  • Presence of parasites and worms
  • The gut microbiome breakdown
  • Bacteria including H. Pylori, Campylobacter, Clostridium difficile
  • Here’s one gut lab I like: GI Map by Diagnostic Solutions   

Test highlights:

Gut microbial conditions- tests the genetic potential for gut toxicity based on identifying specific strains of microorganisms.

Digestion/Absorption- tests imbalances in elastase and steatocrit, indicating pancreatic digestive function and fat digestion.

Inflammation- tests calprotectin and secretory IgA, which will indicate involvement of the inflammatory response from the gut mucosa.


DUTCH Complete by Precision Analytical is a comprehensive test because it not only measures estrogen, progesterone, and androgen hormones but their metabolites as well, which means you know more about the whole journey of the specific hormone being measured.

Test highlights:

  • Includes analysis of oxidative stress, melatonin, and eight organic acids related to hormonal function.
  • 4 points of specific collection times to assess hormonal rhythms.
  • Unique testing methods to account for monitoring the use of oral or vaginal hormones


(OAT) by Great Plains Laboratory, helpful if the patient is dealing with mood disorders, fatigue, digestive complaints, or weight issues.  

Test highlights:

  • Able to evaluate intestinal yeast and bacteria.
  • Includes urinary markers to indicate vitamin and mineral levels, oxidative stress, and neurotransmitter levels.


IgG Food MAP with Candida + Yeast from Great Plains Laboratory measures the antibodies of 190 common foods. This test goes beyond only testing IgG4 molecules and tests the total IgG antibodies.

Test highlights:

  • Measures 190 of the most common foods, including those from Western, Asian, and Mediterranean diets.
  • Tests total IgG and screens for antibodies to Candida for current or past infections.
  • It is available as a blood spot test for accessible at-home collection.


People struggling with unexplained symptoms like fatigue, difficulty concentrating, or allergy-like symptoms may find this test useful. I work with clients on gut health first with diet, supplements and lifestyle. If symptoms persist, this test may be helpful.

The Total Mycotoxin Panel, by RealTime Laboratories is known for its sensitivity and specificity, and is able to detect lower levels of a wide range of mycotoxins. 

If you want to learn more about lab testing for your practice check out my course Mastering Functional Lab Testing for Nutritionists

Courses for Health Professionals & Students

With every course, I share what nutrient-dense foods, revitalizing herbs, supportive supplements, holistic lifestyle rituals, energizing body movements, ancestral medicine + all things energy related, that support digestion and hormone health.

Each course helps you, as the practitioner understand possible root causes so you can personalize each treatment plan and help your client recover in less time.

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