About Marla

Marla Samuel, DNM, MSc, BA, CNP, RNCP, DipHom, CFMP (candidate) is an expert in digestive and hormonal health, an inspiring educator in the field of nutrition and environmental toxins, and motivational health empowerment coach to hundreds of clients who are mostly women looking for answers to their hormonal and digestive concerns. 

As a Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner, Health Empowerment Coach, and College educator with a three-year homeopathic medicine diploma, Marla has been coaching women and clients with digestive and hormonal concerns for over twenty years, providing individualized nutritional, herbal, and lifestyle support. Marla created her new online digestive health program, “Healing Your IBS & SIBO. Step by Step Program”, inspired by her own health journey, which shares her skills, tools and current evidence-based information with clients and students. Marla has a deep desire to empower women to develop their own “daily nourishing tool kit,” equipping them with potent new studies and strategies, along with ancestral healing practices.

During a nine-year long struggle with chronic illness that was undiagnosed, Marla learned first-hand that conventional health care was not holistic and came up short understanding the mind-body-spirit relationship, and lacked the knowledge of holistic tests and treatments. After frustrating attempts at seeking the help of more than 15 healthcare practitioners and, ultimately, having to learn and implement lifestyle and mindset changes on her own with limited support, Marla found her inner warrior and emerged with her health—and new energy and drive to teach and help others to feel their best.

Marla continues to share her passion for teaching and coaching healthy living through her newly launched online health courses, illuminating webinars, community and corporate events, raising awareness of the importance in finding joy in what you do, and creating a lifestyle that is in sync with one’s own rhythms and visions.

Marla lives in Toronto with her husband and two sons, and the family cat, Rocket. (Rocket is the co-creator, and silent partner in many of Marla’s projects;)

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