Gut Health, Professionals
Picture this: a simple pantry list designed ready to give your clients. It helps them stay focused and organized while they shop, especially for new ingredients. With this list, meal prep becomes a breeze, making it easier to try out new recipes. It’s like...
Lab Testing, Professionals
MY ANSWER IS MAYBE. IT DEPENDS It depends on each person and where they are in their health journey and their personal interest in understanding how everything is ticking inside and interest in finding root causes and making those connections. For me, I love it all....
Lab Testing, Professionals
Do your GENES affect how well you DETOXIFY? If you have certain gene weaknesses; SNP’s ( single nucleotide polymorphisms) than yes, this may lower detoxification abilities. Genetic Biomarkers of Metabolic Detoxification for Personalized Lifestyle Medicine...
Gut Health, Professionals
So are you an R, a B or a P-type microbiome? Henrik Munch Roager and his colleagues conducted a study on 85 Danish people to find out what is affecting our weight. Stool energy density is positively correlated to intestinal transit time and related to microbial...